I'm Nicola and I would be delighted to be your Aromatherapist. To help you decide if I am the right therapist for you, I thought I would introduce myself properly. I will get to know a fair bit about you through our consultation and therapy sessions, so it's only fair that I tell you a bit more about me...
My Story
My birth didn’t go quite exactly as I had hoped – ending in emergency intervention – BUT I was calm throughout. And I was a week overdue when he finally arrived. And the thing that started everything off? I had run myself a nice warm bath, and used Clary Sage as I had read that not only is it deeply relaxing and calming, but as a uterine tonic it could just help get things started if my body and my baby were ready. I had a nice long soak and felt incredibly relaxed and happy and excited by the future, and as I climbed out of that bath, my waters broke.
After 10 months of the joyous mayhem of first time parenthood, it was time to go back to work. I worked in a big global media company in London, heading up their talent acquisition and managing a large team. It was busy, it was long hours, it was a “work hard, play hard” environment, and I just didn’t fit in anymore. I looked at training in hypnobirthing as I had found it so empowering, but the course on offer didn’t fill me with confidence. It was a long weekend, after which time I’d be expected to go out and tell women how to give birth. I wanted more than that. I wanted to learn from the best and be an expert in my field.

In 2017, I was pregnant with my first baby. I’d not had the pregnancy I'd imagined, being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and really struggling with prenatal anxiety. I was determined, however, to have the birth I wanted, so I enrolled in to a Hypnobirthing course. It was empowering and enlightening and everything I hoped it would be. And the other thing it introduced me to, was essential oils…
Now of course I had heard of essential oils, and used them in a tea light diffuser every now and again. But this opened up a whole new world to me.
I also wanted more work life balance. I wanted to spend time with my baby – and have more! I wanted to do the school runs, and be there for the firsts and the sports days and the plays. I was still using essential oils and aromatherapy in little home products and diffusers, so my fiancé bought me a day introduction to aromatherapy with Neal’s Yard, as a Christmas gift. I LOVED it. I was totally inspired and uplifted and suddenly things just clicked. Something deep within me told me that this was my path. I applied for the highly competitive diploma course – really liking the mix of science, practicality and spirituality that Neal’s Yard seemed to offer. Luckily, I got accepted on to the course, and my real journey in to the world of aromatherapy and holistic health, began.
So, why Équilibre? Aromatherapy and holistic therapies are all about seeing the whole person: physically, mentally and spiritually, and balancing how we treat them. Looking at causes – imbalances if you like – that cause dis-ease within the body and mind. We are all on our own journeys to find our own version of Équilibre.

Why French? Well, my husband is French, so my boys are half French. And what a beautiful - if somewhat confusing - language it is! That France is the home of modern day Aromatherapy (where essential oils started to reclaim their rightful place in healing and medicine in the 20th century) – and where the term aromathérapie was first coined – only added to the strength behind my decision to embrace the language of half of my family when naming my business.
I look forward to welcoming you to our little piece of Kent charm, to support you in your own journey to Équilibre.

Fancy a chat to talk about the suitability of aromatherapy for you? Get in touch!
07736 320 749